Nebojsa Stefanovic – Slightly higher military budget, additional salary increase for soldiers


Defense Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic said on Wednesday night that the budget for the army next year is “slightly higher” than that of 2020, one of the key items, he said, being an increase in salaries, mainly from soldiers 10 percent.

Stating that there is a “kind of tension” in part of the region and that all countries in the region invest more in the army than before, the minister said that Serbia also wants a modern army that is guarantor of the country’s security and deterrent from any potential aggressor.

“The salary increase is important because we want to invest in people, because we want to show that the best paid and well-equipped soldiers are the guarantor of a strong army. In addition to a five percent increase for the entire public sector, we have provided a 10 additional percent for members of the Serbian army. for soldiers and slightly less for NCOs and officers, “Stefanovic told Serbian Radio and Television (RTS).

According to him, investment to equip the army will continue, with an emphasis on acquisitions of specially built domestic industry.

“There are MiG-29 aircraft, review of 14 Orao, Milos, Lazar vehicles, MRAP, Pancir, PASARS and Mistral systems. We have acquired a part of the air defense system, we are considering what we will need in the future. We told the president and to the Supreme Commander, what do we consider ‘weak points’ in the Air Force and Air Defense and the Army and what we want to do to ensure that our army is a firm guarantee of the stability of the region ”, said the minister.

When asked if vaccination will be mandatory for members of the military, Stefanovic said the decision on the matter will be made based on the position of the medical profession.

“We talked with the president about the priorities when it comes to vaccination. It is important that health workers are the first, that they are protected as much as possible, and we also talked about including the security system in that because I believe that vaccination it is very important, “added the minister. .

During the day, a meeting of the College of the Defense Minister and the expanded College of the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces in Belgrade was held in Belgrade, which was also attended by the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić.
