Nebojsa Stefanovic on criminal acts


Interior Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic stated that the number of criminal acts in Serbia during 2019 was 81,846, and stated that the number of criminal acts has been decreasing since 2014.

As announced from the Interior Ministry, Stefanović presented data that 107,658 and 104,839 criminal acts were committed in Serbia during 2008 and 2009.

Stefanović added that the number of serious crimes in 2019 was 94, and that almost 95% of that was solved.

“It is certainly not good when serious crimes occur in our country, but it is a fact that the police are much more efficient today than in the time of (former Serbian president) Boris Tadic, (former mayor of Belgrade) Dragan Djilas and others who share lessons “. the minister said in a written statement.

According to him, the police are working intensively to solve the cases that have bothered the citizens of Serbia in the previous days.

“I am convinced that the Police people will quickly and efficiently resolve the latest criminal acts that affected us all, and I offer them all the support in their work,” said the Interior Minister.
