NDM BGD: Apex contract has expired, a chance to give up the harmful Bus Plus


The initiative “Let’s not drown Belgrade” (NDM BGD) called on the city authorities to “give up this harmful business and return the payment to the jurisdiction of the city” after the contract of the company “Apex Solution Technology expired. “(Apex).

In a statement, Ne davimo Beograd states that the introduction of Bus Plus as an intermediary between public transport users and the Belgrade City Transport Company (GSP) “caused damage to the city of Belgrade and to the public company and citizens for whose benefit this system should work. ”

“The percentage of ticket collection in the amount of 8.53 percent brought a great profit to the Apex company, without providing quality to public transport, or higher payment, but even the communal police and other city services had to be hired to increase the level of pay. remains high, which means the city has additional losses, “the statement said.

Let’s not drown Belgrade affirms that “in an eight-year business, the private company Apex Solutions Technology doo, with an initial investment of 12 million euros in equipment, without any risk, earned tens of millions of euros and obtained an extra profit, in to the detriment of the citizens who ran the greatest risk from this business. ”

“All this money could have been invested in GSP, which would help curb its complete ruin, of which we are aware today,” the statement read, adding that if there is no urgent reaction, “there is a total collapse of this public company”.

The initiative establishes that it has a plan on how to improve the public transport system for all citizens of the capital, “through a better organization of public transport routes (using the existing BG train infrastructure and expanding the network of the yellow line) we would improve the quality of service and life of almost 50 percent of Belgraders. ” public transport “.

Let’s not drown Belgrade also estimates that “a plan that includes three express bus lines, three rapid tram lines and three BG train lines, would allow the vast majority of fellow citizens to travel from home to work for up to 30 minutes.”
