NATO is openly working on an evil project: Is a bigger Albania forming?



09.12.2020. 07:29

Tirana is openly working on a project to unite the territories where the Albanian community constitutes the majority: a larger Albania is being formed, largely under the auspices of NATO.

Greater Albania

Greater Albania, Photo: Private archive

Former President of the Coordination Center for Kosovo and Metohija, Nebojsa Covic This is how he reads the new Albanian initiatives related to the three municipalities in southern Serbia, but also the formation of the Albanian Parliament commission with the aim of, as he himself says, denying the KLA war crimes.

A commission formed these days in Tirana has the task of investigating the complaints of the Swiss senator Dick marty about the KLA crimes, but, says Covic, there is no doubt that Albania, aware that it was complicit in the events in Kosovo and Metohija in the 1990s, wants to disavow the processes initiated by the specialized council in The Hague through the work of that body.

Tirana Initiative for Southern Serbia

Regarding the activities related to the south of central Serbia, the acting head of the Albanian diplomacy Gent Cakaj, a Kosovar Albanian, these days, after meeting with his colleague from Pristina Meliza Haradinaj Stubla, stated that the Albanians of Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja are “one of the most oppressed minorities.” in the region ”, and to work intensely to sensitize the international community to their situation, and to this end“ a diplomatic action has been initiated to mobilize important international representatives and organizations ”.


Bujanovac, Photo: EPA

Cakaj previously visited southern Serbia and the Serbian authorities rejected the initiative to declare him an honorary citizen of Bujanovac.

“I don’t think it is prudent for Cakaj to go to southern Serbia.” Now they are trying to make further escalation through silent plans to include Presevo and Bujanovac in further processes, “said Covic, who asked if the Serbian Foreign Minister to go to northern Albania and make such statements Now they are openly working on a project to unite the territories where the Albanian community constitutes the majority, which is a very dangerous project.
Zoran Stankovic, president of the Coordinating Body of Presevo, Medvedja and Bujanovac, says he would not give too much importance to the Tirana initiatives because his main objective is to talk about it.

“We constantly reiterate that these municipalities are an integral part of Serbia, that there is no exchange of territories, that there is no talk of fulfilling the wishes expressed by Cakaj in any way. And we have strong assurances from the international community that these initiatives are not significant, “says Stankovic.

Albanians, Pristina

Albanians, Pristina, Photo: EPA

There is no discrimination against Albanians

Albanians, he adds, can sign whatever they want, but what matters is how they behave in real life. Remember that the state of Serbia has been especially subsidizing these three municipalities in the last 20 years through the service of the Coordinating Body for an amount of about two million euros per year.

“In the last 20 years, about 120 million euros have been invested in that part of Serbia. In addition, every year about 300 students receive scholarships with non-reimbursable funds in the amount of about 40 million dinars,” summarizes Stanković.

It also points out that there is daily cooperation of local self-governments in southern central Serbia with state agencies, as well as that they receive salaries from education, health and public companies operating in those municipalities.

Stankovic adds that the demands of the Albanians in that part of Serbia were formulated in seven points, which were approved by the Government of Serbia in 2013. And that they are being met, which includes the problem of textbooks for teaching in Albanian.

“They are one of the eight national minorities that have classes in their mother tongue.” Is it discrimination, or is it that more than 50 percent of Albanians are in the police in Presevo, that health institutions and schools are run by Albanians? “asks Stankovic.

While he points out that the internationalization of the issue of southern Serbia has been attempted for ten years, he points out that the position of the international community is clear: these municipalities are not and will not be the subject of the talks in Brussels.

“Novosti” journalist Rade Dragović agrees that for years they have been trying to bring a foreign factor to that part of Serbia according to the matrix seen in Kosovo: the problem is staging, the media are taking over problem, foreigners are being brought in as supervisors or someone to determine the situation. the problem is spreading.

However, as he adds, the essence is that the problems that exist in the three municipalities of southern central Serbia concern all citizens and are mostly economic. On the other hand, there are many votes on the ground from the Serbian associations in southern Serbia, which speak of discrimination against Serbs and demand that the conditions in which they live be taken into account.

A history of discrimination Albanians in southern Serbia, which was launched these days by Gent Cakaj, is a classic thesis replacement and twist, and the remote control for them is in the hands of Albanian mentors and lobbyists from the US and the EU, says Nebojsa Covic, a former deputy prime minister.

Covic calls for the unity of all political forces in Serbia in the fight to preserve the territorial integrity of the country and, as he says, care must be taken that there is a lot of hypocrisy from international factors that are trying to put us in a situation.
