NATIONAL HERO STOJANKE COKE STOJANOVIĆ: Grandma Coka’s case divided Serbia: for some murderers, for others a hero and a fighter (PHOTO / VIDEO)


Grandma Coka allegedly stabbed herself in the chest.

His body was found with a knife stabbed in the chest, and a farewell letter was found alongside the body.

As reported by “Pink”, in the farewell letter that the old woman left, she says that she can no longer bear the great pressure she constantly finds herself under.

She also adds that she and her son are alone and begs him to forgive her.

It should be remembered that Baba Coka is suspected of killing an investor with a gun in September 2018, who allegedly threatened and blackmailed her on several occasions to sell her land and a house in Zvezdara where he wanted to build, to which she did not agree.

After this bloody act, various stories began to spread around Stojanka Stojanović, and this case divided the Serbian public.

While for some she was a criminal in spite of everything, for others she became a symbol of the struggle of an ordinary man, and was considered a heroine.

Photo: Z. Jovanovic

The fact that she decided to take the law into her own hands and judge the investor was seen by many as a heroic act, which is why signs with the names of the streets of Zvezdara were often pasted with stickers that read: village hero Stojanka Coka Stojanović “.

Graffiti demanding justice for the now famous grandmother Coka could also be seen in Belgrade.

Photo: Z. Jovanovic

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