All of Serbia was afraid, worried, hoped and saved songs for a 23-year-old girl who was healthy and real, and then, in early December, she fought a battle for life at the Kovid hospital in Batajnica. She was the youngest intensive care patient in the newly opened hospital, and Kurir has now found her, alive and well! Natasa Kostic is now at home in Velika Plana, it has been 10 days since she left the hospital.
– I didn’t even know my life was in danger. I was awake the whole time, I wasn’t in a coma, but I don’t remember half of it. All the doctors and nurses caressed me, cared for me, were constantly around me. I knew I was the youngest patient, but at no point did I feel that my condition was so dire – a story for Kurir Natasa, who arrived in Batajnica on December 6 from the kovid hospital in Smederevska Palanka, where she was sent from the kovid clinic in Great plan.
Kurir reporters saw Natasa in intensive care in Batajnica, when we were among the first media teams to enter Kovid’s new hospital. The black-haired girl was on the bed in the lower corner of the room. She was lying with her back to the front door and facing the window through which you could see the blue of the sky. She spent six days in intensive care and then five in semi-intensive care, so that on December 17, she and her family had a happy day: coming home.
– There were people around me with respirators, the room was full, but I was not aware of my condition or what was really happening there. That stay in the intensive care unit seemed like a normal hospital stay to me. Now, when I see where I was, when I know what was the real condition of all those people who were lying next to me, now I’m just scared – Natasha tells us, she didn’t want us to publish her photo.
Miraculously, the family was not infected
Natasha is the only one in her family who now had kovid 19. – We are five in the house and no one other than me was infected, nor did he have any symptoms. How, I don’t know, but it’s true – Natasa tells us.
When he won the battle for life and switched from intensive to semi-intensive care, he needed to regain his strength and take the first step.
– I felt dizzy when I had to take the first step. And then when I managed to do that, I walked around the room a bit and walked like this – recalls Natasha, who during our conversation only went to the clinic for a morning injection, the one against blood clotting, to prevent possible thrombosis, which a they often remain behind the crown. Also, drink antibiotics and lots of vitamins.
– Now I feel fine, but my muscles, arms and legs still hurt. I fainted and got tired quickly – says a girl born in 1997, who was healthy and real before the crown.
And then one night he got a fever, his head hurt a lot, as did his muscles. He immediately went to the Kovid clinic, where at first it was negative. – They took me home, I was lying down with a fever. Two days later I was positive and on the fifth day I was already in the hospital – Natasa said.
Kurir.rs/Jelena S. Spasić
Photo by Marina Lopicic

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