Napredniks are silent on Beba Popović’s training – Politics


How the Public Policy Institute trained the young staff of the SNS inaccessible to the public

During 2019, the Vladimir Bebe Popović Public Policy Institute professionally trained members of the Serbian Progressive Party, showed the report of the State Audit Institution, which was published on Friday and reported by the Nova S.

Napredniks are silent on Beba Popović's training 1Photo: Stanislav Milojkovic

In the report of the aforementioned institution, in the section of intangible expenses, in the table on page 46, it is indicated that the Serbian Progressive Party paid 1,604,000 dinars to the Institute headed by Popović, which is close to 13,600 euros, in name of vocational training.

– The costs of vocational education are fully related to the costs reported in the invoice “Institute of Public Policies”, Belgrade in the amount of 1,604 thousand dinars for testing services and selection of candidates based on the Agreement on the provision of services testing and candidate selection for educational programs for 324 candidate. Based on the report of services provided on June 5, 2019, which was presented in the audit process, an educational program was designed for 324 members, namely: training for trainers, school of political skills, advanced school of political skills and school of oratory and communication – this is stated in the report of the State Audit Institution.

Based on the cost specification, it is assumed that the professors of the Bebe Popović Institute participated in the work of the so-called SNS Young Leaders Academy, established by the Foundation for the Serbian People and the ruling Party, in order to educate to the young members of the SNS. parliamentary mandate.

Our newspaper staff tried to contact Vladimir Beb Popović, but yesterday he did not return our calls to the phone number known to the newsroom.

The Young Leaders Academy also produced SNS deputy Luka Kebara, who was remembered for his first and so far only appearance in the Assembly, which was at least clumsy, as well as for refusing to give a statement to a reporter after the constitution. of parliament.

Danas’ editorial office sent a question to Kebari if he himself went through the Public Policy Institute training. We have not received a response until the conclusion of this problem.

We also asked TV host Lav Pajkić if, as one of the new faces of the ruling party in the National Assembly, he was educated at the Bebe Popović Institute. Pajkić didn’t respond at first, only to call back a bit later.

After the journalist from Danas introduced himself, Pajkić said that he was at the meeting and that the journalist sent him a question in a message. The SNS deputy read the journalist’s message, but did not respond.

Cooperation between Serbian presidents and the SNS, Aleksandar Vučić and Vladimir Beba Popović, has been speculated for years, and this is the first time that the former head of Zoran Đinđić’s government Communications Office has been documented to have financial ties to the ruling party.

It should be recalled that Popović stated six years ago in the “Impression of the Week” program that “Vučić is his partner as the Government of Serbia” and that his Institute “deals with issues directly related to the work of the Government, which is intensifying, strengthening and strengthening the process “. European integration “.

In an interview with KRIK in April 2016, Aleksandar Vučić denied the statement that Vladimir Beba Popović was his adviser.

– Vladimir Beba Popović was never my advisor. I was helping out with something that I thought could help, I respected him a lot and he was never my advisor. He helped with what he could, in the realm of media advice, pay attention to this here, then to that. He was not an informal advisor, it is as if he could say: let us see each other three more times, and then let me tell you that you warned me – said Vučić.

Based on data from the Mercantile Registers Agency, the Public Policy Institute was established in September 2013 as an association, with the activity of providing consulting activities related to business management and others.

Politics, the rule of law, the protection of human rights, culture, the economy, international relations and cooperation, the media, education, the socio-political and scientific spheres of public life are listed as areas of achievement of the objectives of the Institute. Vladimir Popović is listed as a representative of the Institute.

Based on the website of the Institute, it has its sections in Belgrade, Podgorica and Ljubljana. The internet presentation claims that the Institute of Public Policy was established in order to formulate a new national, regional and international policy of the post-Yugoslav space through the synergy of knowledge and attitudes of experienced experts and public activists.

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