Nada Macura talks about a mother he never met for the first time (VIDEO)



01.01.2021. 11:20

Honestly …

Nothing Macura

Nada Macura, photo: E-Stock

One of the most famous doctors and cardiologists in Serbia, Nada Macura, revealed that he never knew his biological mother, because she passed away when he was very young.

– I have to say, with great regret, that I am a person who did not know my biological mother, so another woman who was married to my father, always gave me advice in the sense of fashion. She always told me that I had to have a nice line, but she was not alive either, to see me now, to criticize me. My dream is to at least dream of the woman who gave birth to me – said by Nada.

Nothing Macura

Nada Macura, Photo: Hello / Rajko Ristic

Matsura also found out if she was in love.

– Well, I have a person I think of and who probably thinks of me, but we are in different cities and territories. I will spend the New Year with TV and shows. Mine are in Vojvodina, Novi Sad because of this epidemic, I can’t go there because of the work I do in the morning – concludes Matsura.


Nothing recently said that your partner doesn’t have to be rich, but must have this trait, read all about it HERE.
