MY SON IS NO LONGER: An inconsolable mother crying after the tragic death of her son (12) who drowned in a tape


The body of the boy, who was lying motionless in the auxiliary room of the patio with the tape to tighten the cables around his neck, was found by his parents. It is presumed that it was an accident, that the child was playing, and when he noticed that he could not untie it, it was too late. She gasped and didn’t have the strength to remove the rubber band.

According to the prosecutor’s order, the body will be sent for an autopsy to the Novi Sad Institute of Forensic Medicine, where the exact cause of death will be determined.

The injured boy’s family is crazy. Crying, we find the mother, the cousin and one of the sisters of the injured boy at the door.

– I can’t say anything, do you see what situation we are in? My son no longer exists – the inconsolable mother told us briefly.

Neighbors on Školska Street in Hajdukovo are also shocked. In disbelief, they tell how a dear and good child died.

– We only hear the screams and cries of the parents. He must have played, who knows what he saw and what he tried to imitate. We still have a hard time believing what happened – says neighbor Marija.

The Subotica police confirmed to us that the child’s lifeless body was found before noon and that the case is under the jurisdiction of the Superior Public Ministry.

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