My son-in-law destroyed my house! I supported him for 30 years, and he HATES me (PHOTO)


Grozdana Životić’s house (69) in the village of Vlakča near Kragujevac burned down three days ago in a fire, which is suspected to have been started by Slobodan Ž. (74), husband of Grozdana’s twin sister.

Yesterday, the police arrested suspect Slobodan Ž. and he was ordered to be detained for up to 48 hours.

photo: Kurir / B.Đ.

As Grozdana explains to Kurir, he and his wife lived in the house next to hers, as if they had never agreed.

“We always hate each other. He even stabbed me once with a knife and I reported him to the police. He beat, mistreated and imprisoned my sister in the basement. I tried to protect her, but she loved him and defended him,” Grozdana said. .

photo: Kurir / B.Đ.

According to her, Slobodan broke down the door of the house and poured gasoline on everything, set it on fire and fled. The building is sooty and all the rooms have been destroyed. Grozdana’s sister was unable to speak for our newspaper due to a serious illness, but she told us that she agreed with her sister’s words.

photo: Kurir / B.Đ.

“They were both jealous and they were both guilty of it, but he is a bully. When he escaped, he told the police that he would first kill our third sister, the youngest, and set her house on fire, and then set fire to us. both, so that he surrenders “, affirms Grozdana.

photo: Kurir / B.Đ.

Grozdana is retired and previously lived and worked in Austria. As she says, she supported her son-in-law for 30 years, who was violent towards his sister and has now set their house on fire. RE.

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Author: delivery courier
