My husband wore a crown, and he didn’t even throw it! The woman from Belgrade told what her family faced due to the coronavirus



26.09.2020. 23:53

He learned about the large number of antibodies because he needed another intervention.

On Monday, about the possible introduction of quarantine.

On Monday, about the possible introduction of quarantine, Photo: Hello! / Masanori Yoshida

Time bombs, silent carriers, supercall carriers, or just asymptomatic cases they are not a new and unusual phenomenon when it comes to the corona virus. That this is not such a rare case is demonstrated by a publication on the social network Twitter.

A woman shared the news on her Twitter profile with her followers that her husband had antibodies against the corona virus, without presenting any symptoms.

– My husband has antibodies against the crown. He did not sneeze or cough, and the temperature did not pass – he wrote.

The fact that you have antibodies means you had the corona virus, and since you didn’t have any symptoms, you can turn into a group of silent carriers.

Are you afraid of the coronavirus?

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As he explained, he learned about the large amount of antibodies because he needed another intervention.

-It will be that I also had, we did not separate ourselves from the beginning of the crown. I’ll also go check it out myself, wrote this Twitter user in correspondence with his followers.

Among the comments, there were other asymptomatic cases, which only once again shows how important it is to be careful because we do not know who is the carrier and who is not.


coronavirus, Photo: Printscreen

– He had a crown, my wife didn’t. When someone has no symptoms, and that is the majority, the concentration of the virus on the mucosa is very small, and taking a swab is more thorough than a kiss, is one of the comments.

Then another case arose: “Here is a colleague who today found out about the same thing. Negative test, she had no corona and she has antibodies.”

The most dangerous 48 hours

The deputy director of the “Trampoline” Institute, Darija Kisić Tepavčević, previously stated that the corona virus is the most dangerous 48 hours before the end of the incubation period and at the beginning of symptoms, because the patient does not have to have signs of Covid 19 and it can easily infect others.

– Incubation is the period between contact with the virus and the moment of infection. With this infection, a person is most dangerous before the end of the incubation period and at the beginning, because then he does not show any symptoms, but can infect others, he said.

As he pointed out, there is a significant percentage of people who do not have any symptoms, which is known in epidemiology.

– We can see it from two aspects, one is to look at that person as a potential time bomb who is not aware that he carries the virus and spreads the infection around him without obstacles. On the other hand, the good thing is that many people have acquired immunity through this asymptomatic effect and little by little they are building our collective immunity. It is important to emphasize that a person who has minimal symptoms, or no symptoms, spreads the infection, explained Dr. Kisić Tepavčević previously.
