My husband made me be rude to our baby!


The mother of SS (21), who was arrested by order of the Belgrade Third Basic Prosecutor’s Office on suspicion of committing domestic violence and neglecting and abusing her seven-month-old son, said at the hearing that her unmarried husband beat her already his three children. beg and be rude to the child!

The suspect was filmed in New Belgrade moving his baby from one hand to the other like a doll, carrying it only by grabbing it by the handle, so that the baby dangles and almost knocks him over.

– My illegitimate husband forced me to have a child like that, he wanted the people in the car to see him, he thought that this way they would give us more money. I told him I wouldn’t use it like that, but he cursed, insulted and pushed me. I had to do it. So I did it for the first time, as we unofficially found out, she defended herself at the SS hearing.

She allegedly said that she did not dare to oppose her husband because he beat her and the children. The prosecution proposed that the SS be taken into custody, given that he faces more than five years in prison, but also because the way in which the crime was committed disturbed public opinion. The court accepted the proposal and ordered his detention for a month.

( / Prinscreen photo)

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Author: delivery courier
