My friends told me “BLESS YOUR WIFE”


Srbislav Antonijevic from Kraljevo recently returned to work after several months of illness. Which, popularly speaking, is maternity, and defined in the laws as “absence from work to care for children.”

Thus, Antonijevic was one of the 328 parents in Serbia who last year used the legal possibility of being the caregiver of their child from the third month.

“Behind me is a wonderful period. What is more beautiful than spending a day with your son, playing with him, watching him grow, eating, sleeping … Both my son and I enjoyed it while his mother and sister were doing your errands ?, Mom at work and Srna, four years old, in kindergarten, “he told the Phenomenon portal.

Srbislav and his daughterPhoto: Phenomena / Rendered Photos

Srbislav and his daughter

According to the Labor Law, the period before and after the birth of a child has two parts: the first is the maternity leave, which lasts 28 days before the birth and the first three months of the baby and which can only be taken by the mother (and father in exceptional cases specified by law).

The second period from the fourth month to the baby’s first birthday is called childcare leave and can be used by the mother, but also by the father, as long as the child’s mother is employed.

The procedure for parents to leave is not more complicated than the one that mothers go through, the only additional document that they have to attach is a mutual agreement of the parents in writing on who will be in charge of the right to leave for care of the children.

When the Antonijević had a daughter, Srna, mother Natasa, like most mothers, used the right to be with the girl for a year. What then motivated the Antonijevic couple to share the leave time for the second child?

“The reason is the economic and pragmatic well-being of the family. Just before the birth, the wife received a high degree in her profession and, therefore, a higher salary, so we felt less lost if I took the leave due to illness. And in other cases we learned that the parents were fired for financial reasons, “says Antonijevic.

She claims that all the family and friends reacted positively when she told them she was on “maternity leave”, and some even followed up with the words “Bless you, you will be with the child for a year.”

However, if we consider that in the last decade there have been around 65,000 births a year in Serbia, that means that only 0.5% of parents decided for this “good for you” last year.

Srbislav AntonijevicPhoto: phenomenon / photos granted

Srbislav Antonijevic

“I don’t know why this is so, I don’t look out of other people’s windows. I am aware that there are different people and relationships, some friends told me ‘Blessed be your wife, my finger did not move’, but we do not deal with the other people’s lives “, emphasizes Antonijevic. adding that marriage is the agreement of people who love and respect each other.

Returning to work is an interesting experience for him, which confirmed how important it is to have a professional performance.

“It was wonderful spending time at home, dedicating myself to the children and the family, but it is important that both the father and mother are employed to feel fulfilled and fulfilled. Throughout my life and work I have met women who have been unemployed for years and are looking for work ‘, and in fact they only dedicate themselves to children and the home, as well as to those for whom it is concluded that their husband it does not allow them to work ”, he says for the Fenomena portal

“It is both bad and sad. I believe that women and men are multi-layered beings and that they must satisfy as much as possible of their interests and needs,” she concluded, saying that it would be best if gender equality did not have It has to be dealt with by laws, but it is a natural relationship between women and men.
