18.03.2021. 20:29 – 18.03.2021. 20:39
One of the most successful Serbian volleyball players, Ivana Nesovic, is counting down to delivery, and now, on a show, she spoke about painful issues from the past.

Ivana Nesovic, Photo: you tube print screen
The beautiful brunette spoke about painful topics from the past on the show “Ace at Eleven.”
– I do not know where to start. This is my grandmother, she literally raised me, we lived under the same roof. My grandmother, my grandfather and my grandfather escaped from Jasenovac, and they are the people who raised me. I lived with three former inmates from the camp and with my mother who worked all day. But, the grandmother is special throughout history, with her energy and calm, she is a positive person and simply unwavering – Ivana began her story.
He stressed that he was never taught to hate Croats or any other nation, noting that it was not about marking an entire nation because of the decisions and behavior of individuals.
– It’s ungrateful to talk about someone who survived the camp. Other people can’t even imagine how unfair it is and how much sadness they carry inside. I came to tell what they were like after that. I could have been raised to hate her, but I grew up in an environment of positive energy, where sad stories were not emphasized. I, of course, knew everything about what they went through, but they didn’t let it break them and for me it was a great lesson. They constantly emphasized that one should know, but one should not hate, claims a famous volleyball player.
Ivana’s grandmother, grandfather and great-grandmother not only survived the camp in Jasenovac, but half a century later, during the Storm, they were forced to leave their home and move to Belgrade with their daughter and Ivana’s mother. In those terrible years of war, this volleyball player also lost her father.
– In the end, they escaped from their homes during the Storm and were left without everything they had On the other hand, my father also died in Vukovar in those years. After two years I lost my father. I lived in an environment with these people, with my mother who lost her husband because of the war, with those who went through all those wars, until the NATO bombing – she remembers.
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