MY EVERYTHING IN THE WORLD LEFT ME FOREVER Bob (31) was killed on the railway near Bajmok, and with these words his brother said goodbye to his beloved sister


MY EVERYTHING IN THE WORLD LEFT ME FOREVER Bob (31) was killed on the railway near Bajmok, and with these words his brother said goodbye to his beloved sister

Photo: Facebook Printscreen, Courier / NH

Slobodanka Boba U. (31) from Banatski Veliki Selo near Kikinda died yesterday in a serious accident at the exit level crossing near Bajmok.

photo: Курир / NH

The accident occurred when a passenger train, running on the Subotica – Sombor route, collided with a “golf course” with Kikinda plates, and after a side collision, the locomotive pushed the wagon another fifty meters.

Slobodanka’s brother Branko said goodbye to her on social media with shocking words with a photo.

photo: Prinstcreen Facebook

– My birth, my everything in the world … My loved one has left me forever. I love you – he wrote.

By the way, victim Boba’s family lives in Banatski Veliko Selo, while she is from the vicinity of Bajmok, where her fiancé was allegedly killed.


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Author: delivery courier
