Mustafa published a 2015 letter in which Mogherini claims that the ZSO will have no executive powers – Politika


The president of the Democratic Alliance of Kosovo (LDK), Isa Mustafa, published today a letter from the former EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Federica Mogherini, in 2015, in which she stated that the Union of Municipalities Serbs (ASM) will not have executive powers.

Mustafa published a 2015 letter in which Mogherini claims that the JCC will have no executive powers 1Photo: EPA / VALDRIN XHEMAJ

As reported by the Kossev portal, Mustafa stated on his Facebook profile that he received the letter the day before the signing of the second agreement on the JCC, that is, the Agreement on General Principles / Key Elements of the JCC.

“In the context of our discussion on the establishment of the Association / Community of Serbian-majority municipalities, I want to confirm that the EU understands that the Association / Community, in accordance with the First Agreement and the laws of Kosovo, will not be constituted as the third level of government and will not have executive powers. ” it is stated in a letter published by Mustafa.

The leader of the ruling LDK also stated that he presented the letter to the EU special envoy for dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Miroslav Lajcak, who was in Kosovo for two days to discuss the continuation of the dialogue and the JCC issue with officials there.

Lajcak, for his part, said tonight that the conclusion of the two-day talks he held in Pristina was that everything agreed must be fulfilled, including the establishment of the Union of Serbian Municipalities (ZSO).

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