The Serbian Interior Ministry denied the accusations of the “Tijana Juri Foundation” about the number of missing persons in the country.
Source: Tanjug

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The Interior Ministry assessed that his record of missing persons is not credible and that there is a lot of inaccurate data about him.
The head of the UKP General Crime Suppression Department, Milan Davidovi, stated in a press release that during the inspection it was established that the disappearance of 14 people was never reported to the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Serbia.
He claimed that the “Missing Serbia” website lists a person who was detained in extradition, then a person who went to Italy 20 years ago and another person who went to Germany 32 years ago, where he lives and works.
Davidov adds that there are nine missing people at the same site, whose searches have been suspended because their bodies have been found or declared dead, as well as 11 people who are listed as missing and have meanwhile been found and suspended. publications.
He noted that the Ministry of the Interior cares for all citizens of the Republic of Serbia, whose safety is an absolute priority, and that everything seems to make “all children and all adults feel safe and secure, both at home and at the street”.
“It is important to distinguish between leaving the home and the crime of kidnapping. Kidnappings are extremely rare in our country and the police respond to them in an effective, timely and prompt manner,” the statement added.
Davidovi stated that “unfortunately, the public often talks about a large number of missing adult citizens, which is absolutely false,” the name “creates a sense of insecurity last year and citizens are misled.”
“When it comes to the disappearances of adults, it is mostly people who have left their homes of their own free will and do not want to be publicly exposed in any way. Among them are people with dementia, the mentally ill, people who want to leave their partners. “Including these people in a public registry is an equal movement of their right to leave their home, because they have the absolute right to do so and the police cannot stop them,” Davidovi said.
“We call on citizens to report any disappearance of a minor or an adult to the police, who will immediately and urgently take all the necessary measures and actions within their competence in cooperation with the competent prosecutor’s office. As I said, the Safety and protection of each citizen is an absolute priority for us. ” Davidovi pointed out.