MULJALI WITH MUNICIPAL LAND Deputy Mayor of Kladovo and seven other detainees


The special department for the repression of corruption of the Higher Public Prosecutor’s Office of Nis ordered the arrest of Milisav Ratopekić, vice president of the Kladovo municipality, as well as other employees of this municipality for renting agricultural land with falsified and inopportune documentation.

In addition to Ratopekić, seven other people (Paporović Lj., Daskalović S., Skarlatović M., Todorović S, workers from the Kladovo municipality and three people from this municipality suspected of participating in the embezzlement of Belić B., Stamenković D. and Dumitrašković N.).

According to the statement, during this year, Ratopekić influenced other alleged workers of the Kladovo municipality, as members of the Commission for conducting the public tender procedure for the lease of state-owned agricultural land in the Kladovo municipality, to first They will accept documentation sent by fax and inopportune. Suspect Belić made and delivered to the commission with the help of suspects Stamenković and Dumitrašković, and then they accepted such offer as the most favorable.
