The family of the former Secretary of State for the Interior Ministry, Dijana Hrkalović, received money from the state budget through the livestock cooperative “Stočar DH”, which was founded by her father Dana and of which her brother Dejan is now the director, falsifying documents, but that’s not the end of similar abuses.
That is, certain services did not charge this cooperative for the work performed, so, as suspected, only the “Pozarevac Agricultural Experts and Advisory Service” was damaged by almost 600,000 dinars in favor of the Hrkalović cooperative, reveals Kurir.
On this occasion, criminal charges were brought against Diana’s father, Dane Hrkalović, as well as against Nenad Vujčić, director of the Požarevac doo Požarevac Agricultural Expert and Advisory Service. As stated in the lawsuit heard by Kurir, since taking office in November 2018, Vujčić abused his official position and did not invoice or collect the certification of the documentation from the cooperative “Stočar DH”, according to the work carried out in 2018 at the value of exactly 580,800 dinars. By the way, the Pozarevac Agricultural Expert and Advisory Service is 100% owned by the State.
To make everything more interesting, in March 2020, Vujičić was replaced by Dane Hrkalović as director of the Agricultural Expert and Advisory Service in Požarevac.
Frequent change of ownership structure
What often points to suspicious actions in a company is the frequent change of ownership structure, which happened in the cooperative “Stočar DH” almost every year. Thus, Diana Hrkalović, who had been a member of the cooperative since 2004, was eliminated for the first time in August 2015, while Dane, who was director until April 2016, transferred that position to Danijel Čikarević. Later, the son Dejan Hrkalović was appointed chairman and member of the Supervisory Board in March 2017, while Vladan Stokić and Danijel Hrkalović were also appointed members of the Supervisory Board. Finally, in May 2017, Dejan Hrkalović was appointed director, while Milan Hrkalović was appointed chairman and member of the Supervisory Board.
– Even when he took over that role, of course, he did not invoice or charge the cooperative “Stočar DH” for this work, which is not surprising considering that his son Dejan is now the director there – the report states.
The messenger was confirmed in the Public Ministry of the Republic (RJT) that the aforementioned criminal complaint was filed against him. – Taking into account that RJT has no jurisdiction to act on the criminal complaint filed, it was submitted to the Public Ministry of Appeal of Kragujevac on October 2, 2020, in order to present the report for the action.
Although we contacted Dane Hrkalović yesterday, he did not want to comment. I mean, as soon as we introduced ourselves to him, he just said briefly that he had no comment, he didn’t even want to hear what specific occasion we were calling him.
Messenger / Ivana Žigić
Photo: Printscreen

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