“MOVEMENT PROHIBITIONS are possible in some situations”


“A state of emergency as a state of emergency can hardly be an option, but that does not mean that we leave it at that and that there will be no measure to prohibit movement in some situations. Epidemiologist and member of the Predrag Kon Crisis Staff.

As a guest on Happy TV, he said that there are not a number of infected people who need to be contacted to toughen measures.

– As for determining a number when something would be done, I think Professor (Branislav) Tiodorović also denied those numbers. We slow down the virus, believe it or not. We are slowing it down throughout this period, especially after the opening of schools – noted Kon.

As we slow down all acute respiratory infections, we also slow down the corona virus, our expert was clear.

– This situation is something we expected. This increase is due to the accumulation of evidence. Tuesdays and Wednesdays are the strongest days. There is one more thing, that expansion to Kragujevac and Valjevo – Belgrade has not grown so dramatically and in a way it is still a good sign. If we can slow down in Belgrade, we’ll do it in these cities too, says Kon.

Kon coefficient

Our epidemiologist also referred to the coefficient that is important to assess the current epidemiological situation.

– The percentage of positives among suspects last week was 11.6 percent in Belgrade, for this week we still don’t have it, but we are monitoring. The number of positives increases because the number of those with symptoms increases. This means that the virus is circulating, it is a red flag. All contacts are monitored and are monitored the same as in March – he said.

Kon also emphasized that our citizens brought the virus from their summer vacation.

– The surveillance helped. When you have a surveillance system, when the contagious person spreads immediately, you slow down the transmission – he explains.

The local headquarters can make their decisions

The essence, explains the epidemiologist, is to prevent behaviors in which the maximum transmission of the virus occurs, and the frequency increases after 23 hours.

– Each local headquarters has the right to make its own decisions on the premises. So, for example, there are currently more than 30 people banned from meeting, and that can be reduced to five or a complete ban, but that’s not realistic, he says.

When asked if we can be expected to return to the state of emergency, he said that the state of emergency as a state of emergency is not a realistic option.

crownPhoto: Bernat Armangué / Tanjug / AP


– A state of emergency as a state of emergency can hardly be an option, but that does not mean that we leave it at that and that there will be no measure to prohibit movement in some situations. We will not let the virus spread without our doing anything – he explains, adding that it is a legal issue, but that the lawyers are completely divided regarding the state of emergency.

– Regarding the epidemiological facts, nothing has changed. Who is under attack? It depends on who gets sick or who has the highest mortality. Older people who have a higher mortality rate are still at risk, our expert concludes.
