The epidemiologist Branislav Tiodorović, on the occasion of the announced New Year celebrations, said that the medical part of the crisis personnel agreed on this issue.
Source: B92, N1

Printskrin: TV Prva / archive
As he says – “We do not have the elements to enable them” and that the Communal Militia is in charge of possible illegal celebrations.
“We must be clear that we must preserve our health, and that our health can only preserve our economy. Since the approval of the law and the participation of the Communal Militia for fifteen days, we still have slightly better results, at least according to their reports. You can say it had an effect … It is very important that we understand that we are behaving responsibly, “Tiodorovic told N1.
He estimates that the majority of the population understands the seriousness of the situation, but also that “a small percentage of citizens can create a problem.”
“One percent is enough for that. When you say that to someone, it seems small, but that one percent can cause the hospital to be buried. It’s a very serious situation and that’s why I don’t think we have it. I think we have it. we will do the medical part of the Crisis Staff to remain in the position that an organized New Year’s Eve should not be celebrated, “said Tiodorović
It reveals that there is the possibility that shops that normally close on non-working days due to the existing restrictive measures are open during the weekend, so that citizens can buy gifts and other products for the next holidays.
“If we work on the weekend until 3pm, we will make sure that people do it, so that there are no crowds during the workday. Then we would have less pressure on New Years Eve. However, there has been something pressure on the part of the catering industry for a long time. Many of them still maintain the measure, and looking at the report that the inspections give us, it would be said that most catering companies respect the working day “, he says .
Tiodorović says that the extension of the working hours of certain facilities, which took place this week, was done with the aim of reducing overcrowding. Speaking of the topics of the next meeting of the Crisis Staff, he says that the assessment and evaluation of the epidemiological situation will surely be among the topics, and based on the results on the number of patients, a decision will be made on the working hours in the next days.
He believes there will be no movement bans during the New Year.
“I think it is not necessary for us if working hours and other measures are respected,” he said.