Mountaineers found horrible sight in front of a cave near Zajecar, the sect is suspected



17.09.2020. 12:42 – 17.09.2020. 12:52

The strangest thing is that the skull and a part of the body, I mean the pelvis, were attached to a stick, which was driven into the ground.

Cave near Arilje

Cave photo: RINA

Mountaineer Jovan Cvetković and his friend explore inaccessible terrain near the town of Prlita, about ten kilometers from Zaječar, On September 13, they found a horrible sight in front of the cave. A human skull and a bone stabbed with a stick!

They undoubtedly entered, where they found a pile of human bones.

– Two complete skulls and another skull fragment are impressed in a cave. There were at least three skulls. I don’t know about the other bones, I’m a layman, but the skulls are recognizable – says Cvetković.

Have you ever been to a cave?

He adds that the remains of the fire showed that someone had recently been in the cave, although it is difficult to reach it. The day after reporting the case to the police, Cvetković led the forensic team to the site of the discovery.

– The strangest thing is that the skull and some part of the body, I mean the pelvis, were attached to a stick, which was driven into the ground. Someone was having fun or doing some rituals. Forensic scientists did everything they had to do, took photographs, fixed the numbers, collected the bones from the bag, explains the inventor.

One of the most famous Serbian sectologists, Dimitrija Pastulović, says that, according to the description of eyewitnesses, who saw the bones hanging from a stick, and photographs, everything indicates that it is a ritual performed by the Quimband sect, he writes ” Kurir “.

This is a black magic ritual, it looks like Quimband, what they call voodoo magic. There is also the possibility that the bones were excavated from someone’s grave and transferred there. If they bring the bones, that’s what Quimband does, it’s raise the dead, necromancy. They react in a similar way, perform similar rituals and invoke the soul of the deceased, with obligatory sacrifice. It remains to be seen whether animals or something similar were found at the site where the human remains were found, he explains.

Archaeologist and researcher of bone remains from a large number of archaeological sites, Dr. Sofija Stefanović, says that it is important that citizens report such findings to the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments.
