Tomorrow, the Serbian Orthodox Church celebrates Mother’s Day and Mother’s Day.
This holiday is celebrated two weeks before Christmas and is the most important Christian holiday for mothers and wives. It is customary for children to tie their mother’s legs early with a thread, scarf, lace or scarf prepared in advance.
In this way, the children congratulate the mother on the holiday, and the mother in turn gives them gifts, cakes, sweets, toys and other little things, and so she “disguises herself.”
The custom of “tying” and “dressing” is much more than a mere house game, because it confirms the bond of love with which all members of the Christian family are connected. The mother pretends not to know why she is tied up. The children congratulate her on the holiday, and then the mother gives gifts to the children and thus dresses. In the same way, all married women are tied up, who dress up as gifts for their children: cakes, or the occasional sweet.
Mothers are part of a three-week holiday cycle that takes place before Christmas, a week before they are children and a week later they are fathers.
The wombs are at the center of that cycle, symbolizing the mother at the center of the family, as the guardian of the home and family love, as the one who connects everything, as a brace and a spiritual bridge. It is the “clamp of the children” and of the parents, but also of the family and of Jesus Christ, according to Christian belief.
The joyous habit of coming together on vacation tomorrow reminds us that love cannot be “tied” and acquired by force, but also that something must be done for it, that is, give and return love.

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Author: delivery courier