“MOTHER DID NOT NOTIFY THE SCHOOL OR TEACHER THAT THEY WERE TESTS” Principal of the school where the crown for “Blic” appeared on ALL DETAILS OF THE CASE


The case of the third-grade student from Belgrade primary school “Braća Jerković”, who tested positive for the corona virus on the first day of school, caused a huge storm in the public, and the director of that school Violeta Marković speaks on the details of the “Blic” case.

He explained what was happening and how it happened that the child, positively for the corona virus, attended classes with other students.

– The infected student’s mother, on Tuesday, after school, around 2 pm, informed us that the child received a positive test for kovid 19. All family members were tested the day before, Monday, August 31 , but the mother herself did not inform the school or the teacher about it, but sent the child to school. In her written statement, the mother stated that the whole family took the test, because she works in a health institution: the director of the primary school “Braća Jerković” in Zeleznik, Violeta Marković, told “Blic”.

Primary school Photo: Google Street View / screenshot

Primary school “Braća Jerković” Železnik

He further claims that the school took all necessary measures immediately after learning.

Even without symptoms, the whole group isolates itself

– After yesterday the school was informed, after finishing classes, that a third grade student tested positive for the kovid 19 virus, and was in class, all measures were taken according to the instructions on how to act in that situation and the recommendations of the Crisis Staff. The students who attended classes in that group yesterday and the teacher, with whom that student was in contact, will continue teaching online. The student did not present symptoms, and the students in this group, as well as the teacher, wore a protective mask all the time, as did all other students and school employees, and they followed the recommended epidemiological measures. Another group of students from the same class will continue to attend classes at school, as they said – explains the principal.

We add that the prescribed measure in this case is for only the infected student to go into isolation, not the teachers and all other students, but that is exactly what was done here because, as previously explained by Dr. Darija Kisić Tepavčević, an epidemiologist and member, to “Blic”. Crisis personnel for the fight against the corona virus, “deliberately took stricter measures to teach everyone else.”

Markovic further notes that they immediately informed the Municipal Institute of Public Health and the School Administration of Belgrade, as well as the Ministry of Education.

The first day of school Photo: Zoran Ilić / RAS Serbia

The first day of school

– From the City Public Health Institute, today we receive instructions that the student must report to the doctor at the competent Health Center clinic, which was done and that we should not go to school for the next 14 days from the day of your test. After the expiration of the mentioned period, the student can return to classes, to school with confirmation from a doctor that he is healthy, he says.

The school was immediately disinfected.

According to her, the school was disinfected in all rooms in accordance with the measures of the epidemiological service, and the school implements and implements all prescribed measures for protection against kovid 19.

– The parents of all students, as well as all employees, were again informed and warned that if there is a suspicion that the kovid 19 virus is present in their families or any of the relatives is positive, inform the school immediately and without delay, that he does not attend school. during the next 14 days and take all the prescribed measures – concluded the director.

We remind you that on September 1, the coronavirus entered a primary school in Belgrade, and against the parents of a student when they sent the infected person to school, the Ministry of Education filed a complaint with the Center for Social Work for violating the safety of other children and negligent behavior. The case occurred at the “Braća Jerković” primary school in the Zeleznik neighborhood of Belgrade.

As we learn, the student is in third grade and his mother sent him to school on September 1, even though he was waiting for the results of the kovid 19 test.

That is, the child was examined on August 31 and the parents, although they still did not know if the test was negative or positive, sent him along with other children to school. That the student was infected with the crown, the mother found out in the afternoon and immediately informed the teacher. However, the child has already passed the turn along with the others in the group.
