MOTHER AND DAUGHTER MEET IN THE HOSPITAL, WINGS OF THE OTHER: Anesthesiologist Stevanović recounted the greatest horrors of patients with a crown


He recalled meeting his mother and daughter at the hospital.

– Mother and daughter, who had a crown, met in our hospital. And they both hid where they were, so as not to bother. Unfortunately, they both ended up on a respirator, the daughter was on a respirator for over 40 days. Coincidentally, she survived, her mother did not. She did not even know that her mother died until she woke up – said prof. Dr. Stevanović.

Both medical personnel and patients witnessed terrible human dramas from mid-March until today. It is more difficult when the disease progresses so much that the patient has to use a ventilator, and it is horrible if you wake up while intubated.

– Sometimes the situation cannot be evaluated ideally, so patients partially wake up. When they talk after that, you see all the horror of that situation. Under drugs, they have a different perception and their previous experiences are combined with reality. One patient was convinced he was taking part in the shoot, but nothing hurt. When on non-invasive artificial respiration, on a ventilator but not intubated, patients sometimes struggle to breathe, are acutely aware that they are on the brink of an abyss, and try to comply with whatever is asked of them. And then they see someone by your side when you intubate, then that patient sometimes dies. They look at everything, we cannot tell them apart, because they are all in intensive care. We don’t know what’s in their heads, but I can imagine what kind of discomfort and fear it is – said Professor Predrag Stevanović.


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