Mother and daughter drugged the victims, locked them up and defended contact with the family!


Irena Bjelos, spokeswoman for the prosecution, confirmed that the criminal report covered three more people who are serving sentences for other crimes.

– They are accused of exploiting and delivering the victims, one of whom was a minor, to clients in order to provide them with sexual services, and they kept all the money. The victims were kept in a state of addiction by constantly providing narcotics, confirmed Kurir Bjeloševa.

According to her, when they did not provide sexual services, they restricted the movement of the victims and denied them communication with their families, keeping them locked up in the apartment.

– The injured provided sexual services for money worth 1,000 to 3,500 dinars, and in addition to frequent physical abuse, in certain situations they had to take responsibility for being the perpetrators of the criminal acts committed by the suspects – said Bjeloseva.

The mother and daughter, as well as their relatives, have long been known for robberies.

– It often happened that older men reported them for theft. It is said that the detainees also offered sex to these men for money, and then denounced them for theft, but not for prostitution, out of shame – says Kurir’s interlocutor. – JI

Photo illustration by Profimedia

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