Most students are online again, educators warn of unresolved issues


Due to the worsening epidemiological situation, most of the students follow the classes online. Educators caution that the state has not resolved the issues they pointed to during the last school year, as well as that it has transferred all responsibility to teachers this time as well.

Instead of going to school, most students in Serbia go back to their computer screens. Older elementary school classes and all high school students as of today listen to the classes online, just like at the beginning of the pandemic.

The instructions sent by the Ministry of Education to all schools establish that classes will be held remotely until the end of the first semester, that is, on December 21, when the winter break begins, with the help of digital platforms and the RTS program.

The president of the Belgrade School Unions Union, Snezana Romandic, says that the ministry’s instructions are still trying to be interpreted, that all responsibility has been transferred to teachers, and that the ministry’s idea of ​​transferring teaching from teaching to computers is not feasible.

“We have problems that we had then, and that is the lack of technical means. Some students do not have computers, others do not have Internet. We need to reach students, pass information to them, we need to reach parents. All of these are standard problems that we had in April. and they are not resolved even now with this new cycle of online teaching ”, warns Romandić.

Despite accumulating problems, online teaching is still a better solution than school children, trade unionists believe. The president of the Čačak education union, Vladimir Adžić, asks the Serbian government why, despite the growing number of infected teachers, only students from first to fourth grade remain in classrooms.

“Does that mean that young children, their parents and others with whom they come in daily contact are immune to Kovid-19? Dear parents, we ask that you take the health of your family and your children into your own hands. As parents, they have the right to ask teachers to organize online classes for their children, and they have an obligation to make it possible for you, “Adzic said in a written statement.

The president of the association “Parents”, Dragana Soćanin, says that parents understand the demands of teachers and are there to support them so that children get the best possible quality of teaching.

“This year has almost failed us. Let’s somehow lower the ball a bit and show how we can deal with this situation, and in the best interest of the children. Let’s do some basic knowledge that will be provided to the children and make sure that “At least that will be achieved. If we have high expectations of the unrealistic situation, we will achieve nothing, “said Socanin.

At this moment, some 5,000 teachers who, according to the union’s estimates, are infected with coronavirus, or are isolated, cannot provide children with knowledge, not even basic knowledge.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
