Most of the students in Serbia will switch to the internet starting Monday, but they may not like that they still HAVE TO COME TO SCHOOL


High school students, as well as older elementary school students in grades five through eight, will switch to online classes from Monday, November 30 through winter break, which begins on December 21.

Parents, but also students, are more interested in whether children will go to school for written and control tests or online.

– The evaluation is planned to be in schools, we will qualify the instructions according to the possibilities of the schools, the directors who organize the process of the educational system and according to the epidemiological situation, and the most important thing is to preserve the safety of the students, teachers, extracurricular staff – said the guest in Belgrade RTS narrates the chronicles of Branko Ruzic, Minister of Education, Science and Technological Development.

Those who want to improve their grade will also be able to go to school.

– We review a third of the material. If the children want to improve their grades, they will be able to come to school. We will regulate it. We should take a closer look at the measures of crisis personnel – said Ruzic.

Many parents complain that they are forced to pay for private tuition due to reduced hours.

– I understand this argument to a certain extent. Were there parents who paid for private lessons even before this? Of course it is. The educational process will not be questioned, although the quality will not be as in normal circumstances. I don’t see the need for relief when it comes to the assessment or subsequent enrollment of eighth graders in high school. We must not lose any generation for the crown.

It should be recalled that the Government of Serbia today confirmed the Crisis Staff proposal to fight kovid-19, and as of Monday, secondary school students, as well as primary school students from fifth to eighth grade, will go to classes in line.
