Most of the opponents of the “Mirdita, good day” festival dispersed, one person was arrested (PHOTO / VIDEO) – Society


Belgrade police took a person who interrupted the presentation speech tonight at the opening of the festival “Mirdita – good morning” at the Cultural Decontamination Center.

Most opponents of the festival Photo: BETAPHOTO / MILOS MISKOV / MO

As the Youth Initiative for Human Rights told the Beta agency, that person yelled “Take me back to Kosovo” and pushed the microphone away as the organizers addressed them.

Most opponents of the festival

Most of those gathered who oppose the celebration of the “Mirdita, good morning” festival dispersed from Birčaninova Street, and about ten remained.

The police withdrew half of their deployed forces and only the MUP members continue to block the street with cords.

A group of around one hundred opponents of the “Mirdita – Good morning” festival gathered on Birčaninova Street in Belgrade, which was previously blocked by the police from all directions.

Those gathered belonged to the right-wing organization Zavetnici, and among them were the organization’s leader, Milica Đurđević, as well as Sima Spasić from the Kosovo Victims’ Families Association.

The leader of the Serbian right, Miša Vacić, also joined the gathering and told reporters that the festival was a provocation and denial of the Serbian victims in Kosovo, assessing that Kosovo “has no cultural heritage”.

The gathered people carried the flags of Serbia and the flags of the Defenders and chanted “Oh Kosovo, Kosovo.”

They shouted “Vucic, Shiptars”, in addition to screams to kill Albanians.

Most opponents of the festival

The people gathered threw a torch on the police cordon, which fell on the street near the Cultural Decontamination Center.

Police brigades blocked all access to Birčaninova Street, where the Cultural Decontamination Center is located, where the festival is held.

We remind you that today the “Miredita, good morning” festival was inaugurated in Belgrade, with respect for all epidemiological measures, as stated in the announcement of the Youth Initiative for Human Rights.

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