Most babies were born in the Popular Front in the last two decades



Although nine months have passed since March and the start of the pandemic, and we talk about the number of new people infected every day, it seems that we are the most sensitive when it comes to pregnant women and the very young. The good news is that 46 babies were born last weekend: 25 boys and 21 girls, and by the end of the year, the “Narodni Front” maternity hospital expects most babies to be born in the last twenty years, reports RTS .

7,245 babies were born in the “Frente Narodni” maternity hospital this year, and 7,800 babies are expected in this institution by the end of the month, which is the highest number of newborns in the last 20 years.

When it comes to pregnant women who have been infected with the coronavirus, there are places for them in the clinic, as well as for mothers.

“There is a special department in the clinic where deliveries are performed, and so far 90 babies have been born in that department. If a woman develops symptoms of coronavirus during pregnancy, she should go to the Kovid clinic, and if she has any gynecological symptoms They must report it to one of the gynecological clinics, “the director of GAK” Frente Narodni “, Dr. Zeljko Mikovic, told RTS.

All the women who gave birth in the maternity ward feel fine, as do their babies who were not infected with the coronavirus.

“Babies cannot wait and it is wonderful that we have a record number of babies born this year. Everything has been done to make mothers as safe as babies. Sanitary conditions are provided, we have enough staff. I think everything is in place. an optimal level at this time and “Everyone can feel safe. Only procedures that are not urgent have been postponed. All oncological operations are being carried out, as well as emergencies, “Mikovic explained to RTS.

The advice is that mothers breastfeed their children, because the virus is not transmitted through milk.

When it comes to in vitro fertilization, there were no delays at this clinic and all couples who were scheduled for this year underwent the procedure.

“Many couples are in the process of in vitro fertilization and the ‘Popular Front’ has provided all the equipment with the help of the State. We have justified the trust of both the State and the couples who elected the Popular Front and all the couples scheduled for this year have been made, more than 250 and without a waiting list. Whoever enters the procedure, arrives at the ‘Popular Front’ without waiting ”, said the director of the GAK“ Popular Front ”.

Dr. Miković’s message to all couples and mothers is not to give up and give birth to their children regardless of the current epidemic.
