MOSCOW RESPONDED TO PRISTINA’S MOVEMENTS: It is pushing the idea of ​​Greater Albania with Tirana, no matter how you disguise it: Kosovo is part of Serbia!


As noted in Moscow, Tirana and Pristina continue to push the Greater Albania line, regardless of how they mask their own plans. Such actions represent a real threat to peace and stability in the Balkans.

The ministry said it viewed with concern the announcement of a joint session of the Albanian government and the so-called Kosovo.

– The thesis on the need to “erase the borders” between Albania and (the so-called) Kosovo cannot but be cause for concern. We would like to remind you that Kosovo (and this is confirmed by United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244) is an integral part of Serbia and a free interpretation of the principle of territorial integrity when it comes to a sovereign country cannot be understood more than as a serious interference in their internal affairs. a statement posted on the website of the Russian Ministry.

As is said, the announcement of such intentions undermines the process of resolution of the Kosovo issue, nullifying the efforts aimed at finding a mutually acceptable solution to the problem within the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina.

In the same way, Moscow evaluated the agreements reached at that meeting, which provide for the “merger” of Albania and (the so-called) Kosovo in many economic areas.

– There is the unequivocal impression that Pristina and Tirana, regardless of the dubious and risky nature of their rapprochement, continue to push the Greater Albania line no matter what their own plans disguise. Such actions represent a real danger to peace and stability in the Balkans, they point out in the Russian Ministry.

Moscow expects a clear reaction from the international community, mainly from the European Union, which has a mediator mission in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina.


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