Mosaic installation in Saint Sava Temple completed, first visitors will be able to enter in ten days


Eighty-six years after the decision to build the temple, the most difficult works were finally completed. Scaffold removed revealed a mosaic of up to 15,000 square feet. Along with the Serbian, Church Slavonic and Greek alphabets, the motifs dedicated to the first Serbian archbishop are now visible, as well as some unique ones in the Orthodox world.

“What spoiled the beauty of the temple is the scaffolding, which was more than 42 trucks. Finally, yesterday we finished with that scaffold, we took out everything that bothered and spoiled the inner beauty of the temple. The mosaic and the great choir, which is the largest in the world, they were completely finished. All the work from floor to ceiling was completed, “said Bishop Stefan, bishop of Remesija.

It remains to lay floor slabs in about 2,000 meters from the central part of the temple. After removal of the scaffold, that part of the work will begin tomorrow.

“The most important thing is to be patient, to finish the floor well, not to rush, to have a month or two to settle in, protect and I think believers will enter parts of the west in seven to ten days, to see the beauty of the music, and that by the end of the year everything will be definitively over ”, says Bishop Stefan.

The mosaic in the Temple of Saint Sava is the only mosaic of its size that was placed in the lifetime of a generation.

“Specifically, Hagia Sophia was built in six years, and the mosaic was made for almost six centuries and was never completed. We completed a complete mosaic at the Russian Academy of Sciences in less than four years, which is something incredible. Such work and technique, just characters, monumental figures, in fact, there is no such thing anywhere in the world, ”says Bishop Stefan.

By the end of next year, the layout of the Saint Sava plateau in front of the Temple will be completed. Half of these jobs are already finished. For the construction of the Temple in the last three and a half years, the state of Serbia has donated 43 million euros and Russia more than 10 million.
