MORNING IN SERBIA DARK BUT NOT COLD Be patient until noon, it will light up! The temperature is pleasant, up to 15 degrees, AND BY THE WEEKEND IT WILL BE SO


MORNING IN SERBIA DARK, BUT NOT COLD Be patient until noon, it will light up!  The temperature is pleasant, up to 15 degrees, AND BY THE WEEKEND IT WILL BE SO

Photo: Tanjug / Jaroslav Pap

BELGRADE – It will be cloudy in most of Serbia this morning and before noon, with light rain in some places. In the southwest, south and southeast of the country, there is occasional fog in the morning.

Starting in the middle of the day, the rainfall stopped and gradually cleared, first in the north and west. Weak, moody wind. Morning temperature 0 to 6, daily maximum 10 to 15 degrees.

Both in Belgrade in the morning and before noon, cloudy, occasionally with light rain. From the middle of the day, the precipitation stopped and gradually cleared up. Weak, moody wind. Morning temperature around 6 o’clock, high around 13 degrees.

On weekends, meteorologists forecast fog in some places in the morning, mild to moderately cloudy, dry and warm during the day. On Monday, clouds with rain, first in the north and west, and on Tuesday also in other parts.

On Wednesday, cloudy, colder, rainy and in the high areas occasionally with snow. On Thursday, the cessation of rainfall and gradual clearance.


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Author: delivery courier
