More vampiric Serbian enemies have hatched a plan, a bloody grandmother at the head of a conspiracy!



02.22.2021. 19:31

Historian Dr. Aleksandar Raković was a guest last night on TV Vesti’s “Unwinding” program, and spoke about the challenges that the Biden administration could pose to the Republic of Serbia and the Serbian people.

Medlin olbrajt

Medlin Olbrajt, Photo: EPA / Michael Reynolds

Raković recalled the recent public hearing of the Clinton administration hawks, led by Madeleine albright, who made three points on which the interests of Serbia and the Serbian people should be attacked: Kosovo and Metohija, Republika Srpska and Montenegro.

Aleksandar Raković

Aleksandar Raković, Photo: Printscreen

When it comes to Kosovo and MetohijaRaković said that this is an inalienable part of the Republic of Serbia and that there is no possibility for Serbia to recognize the secession of the so-called Kosovo. Raković explained how the four years of the Trump administration did their part and that Serbia’s position was consolidated during that time. At the same time, the presence of Russia and China, which support Serbia on the Kosovo-Metohija issue, has been strengthened in our area, and Western Europe still does not have a unified position on Kosovo and Metohija.

Rakovic also said that Bosnian leaders of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina enthusiastically followed Biden’s victory as a proposal for the possibility of abolishing the Republika Srpska. In that regard, the leaders of the Republika Srpska have already ridiculed those Bosnian views, but, Raković said, it is necessary to establish a bulwark for the protection of Serbian national interests not only on the Srpska issue, but also as regards other Serbian areas.

In the end, the Serbian historian underlined the importance of the Trebinje airport, which is under construction of roads and highways that connect or will connect the Serbs: from Subotica to Bar, from Belgrade to Banja Luka, from Bijeljina to Trebinje. Raković especially emphasized that the Serbian people have the right to their own integration, that the idea of ​​uniting Serbia, Montenegro and Srpska in a single federal state is superior and completely legitimate and legal.
