More than 600 healthcare workers wanted for Kovid hospital in Krusevac


The Nis Clinical Center published an advertisement for the employment of 641 health workers at the Kovid hospital that is being built in Krusevac.

The website of that health institution indicates that 129 doctors, eight graduated pharmacists and 504 nurses will get an indefinite, full-time job.

The work will be delivered to anesthesiologists, specialists in pneumophysiology, cardiology, endocrinology, nephrology, hematology, internal medicine, infectology, gynecology and obstetrics, general surgery, urology, emergency medicine, otorhinolaryngology, neurology, transfusion, radiology, physical medicine and epidemiology.

The announcement was also announced due to the hiring of eight graduate pharmacists for the pharmaceutical business and medical biochemical pharmacists for laboratory diagnostics.

In addition to 349 nurses and general technicians, it is expected to employ 15 radiology technicians, 30 laboratory technicians, two nutritionists and three pharmaceutical technicians.

Those interested have eight days to apply for the competition, and their employment will be decided by a commission formed by the Nis Clinical Center, the final decision on admission being made by the acting director of that institution, Zoran Perišić.

All newly hired healthcare workers will have a trial period of six months.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić declared today in Niš that the Kruševac hospital will be completed in 17 to 18 days.
