More positive in Ruma, Indjija and Pecinci


An emergency situation, with a tendency to worsen, is in the area of ​​all municipalities of Srem and the city of Sremska Mitrovica, announced the Vojvodina Institute of Public Health. Despite the increase in the number of new patients, the situation in Srem is under control, according to the Regional Institute of Public Health.

kovid, ambulance, novi, sad, hospital, novo, naselje, korona

Number of patients in the Srem area by local self-government units, as of yesterday: Sremska Mitrovica – 538; Stara Pazova, 202; Ruma, 396; Indjija, 329; Irig, 59; Sid – 158; Caves – 150; A total of 1,832 active cases

Hospital capacities are being filled, but the situation is not alarming at the moment, authorities say. During the day, the delivery of five more new respirators is expected, so that the total of respirators available for the Red Zone of the Mitrovica hospital would be 35. Currently, 22 respirators are in operation and 184 patients are in the hospital.

The number of examinations in kovid dispensaries is increasing, there are still crowds, but the Health Center assures that the wait has been shortened compared to the previous period, as well as that heated tents have been installed in front of the Seventh Health Dispensary, where control examinations are performed.

In the territory of the City, the anti-epidemic measures adopted by the Crisis General Staff are also being implemented, the competent services control their observance and, as of next week, online classes will be introduced.

After the Headquarters session, it was announced that the IHP nominated 1,936 citizens in Srem for self-isolation.
