MORE EXPENSIVE WINE BY “LIDL”: Imported beverages can no longer be obtained under preferential treatment without customs duties


That’s 70% of the total annual quota, so since then, other importers can no longer buy this drink from the EU after preferential treatment, “Novosti” has unofficially learned. Hypermarkets claim that this is why the purchase and final price rose up to 30%.

Dusko Marjanovic, President of the Trade Sector of the Serbian Employers’ Union, confirmed that the annual quota was bought and that customs duties on the wine have since been paid.

– Such behavior caused a disturbance in the market – estimates Marjanović. – In June, a trader bought 140 trucks and the other cheap wine from Romania, since he made medicinal alcohol.

The 2.5 million liters of wine, which could be bought without paying customs duties, as he puts it, was enough for all participants in the supply chain. He points out that importers now have higher costs, because they pay customs duties on wine.

– Sales are down more than 40 percent, large markets are dissatisfied with weaker turnover and, in the end, the consumer who has to spend the most money loses the most, Marjanović notes. –

New rules

Our goal is to define the EU duty-free wine import quotas to suit all market players, and wine importers and distributors, for whom this is the main activity, but also hypermarkets and other companies. says Marjanović.

– Large retail chains and processors should be exempt from the annual fee.

Citizens who bought their favorite wine from Italy, France or some other country for 500 dinars, now pay around 650 dinars.

It highlights that importers feel degraded and are preparing a proposal for the competent ministries to find a solution to this problem.

– When a trader is so strong, it is about unfair competition and monopolistic behavior outside the market – says Marjanović. – In January, it was able to import the entire annual quota, which was determined on the basis of the Stabilization and Association Agreement between the EU and Serbia.

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