The number of hospitalized at the Vojvodina Clinical Center continues to grow. Currently 432 patients are under treatment in whom it has been confirmed that they have contracted the COVID-19 virus, of these, in 27 patients, given their current health status, the treatment requires the use of invasive mechanical ventilation. Petrovaradin Military Hospital is currently treating 32 patients who have been confirmed to be infected with the COVID-19 virus.
At the Sremska Kamenica Institute for Lung Diseases, 97 are currently hospitalized, of which 10 are on a ventilator.
-We note that in a large number of other hospitalized patients who have contracted the COVID-19 virus, and given the severity of the clinical picture, in addition to other necessary therapy, intensive oxygen support is applied – they explain in KCV.
The temporary hospital of the Novi Sad Fair should start operating today, with a hospital capacity of 1,352 beds.
-To prevent the spread and disease of the COVID-19 virus infection, we call on the public that it is mandatory to adhere to all preventive protection measures, which include the use of protective masks, maintain an adequate distance between the people, regular hand washing and disinfection, as well as avoiding a larger population. number indoors – they say in KCV.
In Vojvodina, the growth of patients continues.
The Vojvodina Public Health Institute continues to assess the epidemiological situation in AP Vojvodina as extraordinary, with a greater tendency to worsen.
-During the day before, 1873 new cases were registered in Vojvodina. High levels of the disease are still registered in all municipalities. According to the number of new cases, the highest number was registered in Novi Sad, 537. The situation is critical in Pancevo, Zrenjanin, Kikinda, Sombor, Subotica and Sremska Mitrovica. At the moment, the number of active cases registered in AP Vojvodina is 33,498. The institute estimates that the number is much higher. The highest number of active cases registered is in Novi Sad, 10,502, followed by Pancevo with more than 3,400, Zrenjanin with more than 2,100, Subotica more than 1,800 and then Kikinda and Backa Palanka with more than 1,000 active cases registered, the Institute announced. of Public Health. Vojvodina.
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