Montenegro Special Prosecutor: Belivuka Sent to Montenegro for Liquidation


Serbian security structures sent Veljko Belivuk to Montenegro, where his assassination was arranged, Montenegro’s special prosecutor Milivoje Katnić said as a guest in the country’s public service. Belivuk, the leader of the “Principi” fan group close to the Montenegrin Kavac clan, was arrested earlier this month and, along with his associates, is suspected of three murders, drug dealing, money laundering and gun possession, KRIK writes .

How it is transmitted MOURN, Katnić said that the liquidation of Belivuk in Montenegro was scheduled for the end of January, but was avoided thanks to the cooperation of the prosecutors and the police of Serbia and Montenegro. He stressed that he did not believe that the Serbian authorities sent Belivuk to kill, but that the security services did, but did not specify what he was referring to.

Katnić said that, in addition to Belivuk’s, several other liquidations of clan leaders, both from Skaljarski and Kavački, were prevented.

“Some regret and are very angry with us that these deaths did not occur, because then it would be easier to eliminate the chief special prosecutor, they say that neither the special police department nor the sector for the fight against organized crime are doing their job”, said Katnić “Telescopy” program on Radio-Television of Montenegro.

The prosecutor wondered how Belivuk managed to pass the police check at the Belgrade airport, if there was evidence that he was the leader of an organized criminal group.

“Why is there such a structure, which they say has grown to the level of those who killed Zoran Djindjic, the Zemun clan, and if they had all that evidence, why did he go through the Belgrade airport as Serdar Scepan?” Why did you come to Montenegro? To get killed here, right? So how long do they think that? Katnić asked.

Katnić explained that information later surfaced that his associates, the police officers who prevented the liquidations, were cooperating with Belivuk and that they were his bosses.

“You know what it means?” “Belivuk is now offered publicly; say you are your boss, so we’ll see, maybe something will be easier for you,” Katnić said.

Katnić spoke about Belivuk when asked to comment on media allegations in Serbia that Belivuk had police protection when he visited Montenegro, according to KRIK.

Belivuk, KRIK recalls, was in Montenegro in January this year, when its liquidation was avoided. He was detained after landing at Belgrade airport, but was released after questioning.

Five days later, the police arrested him along with his closest associate, Marko Miljković, and branded them leaders of an organized criminal group suspected of three murders, drug trafficking and possession of weapons.
