Podgorica – Dissatisfied with the adoption of the amended Freedom of Religion Law, the non-canonical Montenegrin Orthodox Church claims that Montenegro has become a Serbian occupation zone.
Source: Tanjug

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The CCP calls on opposition parties to fight for the extra-institutional struggle for the liberation of the country.
As reported by the RTCG portal, the CPC believes that this law establishes the legal basis for, as they say, “the unconstitutional registration of 50 square kilometers of Montenegrin territory with all the churches and monasteries in the state of Serbia.”
According to the unrecognized church, the new Montenegrin government “also mocks Montenegrin history, giving an occupying organization, such as the Belgrade Patriarchate, the status of a historical and domiciliary church.”
“The actors of such an act, worthy only of collaborationists, should know that the ‘waves’ of Nemanjiki, Turkish, Austrian, Napoleonic, German and Italian, as well as some peasants from the country’s central Balkans, such as Serbia, have flooded the rock Montenegrin, “it was announced. It is from the CPC, the RTCG portal reported.
They add that they were neither serfs nor slaves, so no, kau, nor Serbian nor San Sava.
“We know that this law is an act of occupation in favor of Serbia, and we will follow that fact,” reads the statement, in which opposition parties are asked to adapt to the new circumstances of Montenegro as an occupied country ruled by collaborationists, and leave the parliament and continue the struggle until the definitive liberation of the country in a non-institutional way ”.