Montenegro Airlines heart-shaped flight from Podgorica to Belgrade


This morning, the Montenegro Airlines plane had a special route on the flight from Podgorica to Belgrade. The pilot decided to make a heart for all the passengers. The video of the flight path was posted by the Podgorica portals.

The pilot Nikola Pavlićević stated on his Facebook profile that the price of 1,000 kilograms of fuel cost 470 euros and that 700 was spent on that flight, and that he was willing to pay all that out of his own pocket.

“It was pure emotion, sparked by today’s briefing, tears and great love for the company from the crew and employees,” he said.

“It is a great honor for me to be part of the Montenegro Airlines team that did their job professionally and safely. Some say prison, about 15,000 euros, I said exactly how much fuel and love was spent today, and I am ready to make it up to you.” the best flight of his career so far, “he said.

Capital Investment Minister Mladen Bojanić announced yesterday that a new domestic airline will be formed and that stopovers for Montenegro Airlines (MA) flights are expected in the near future.

Some media claim that the company will suspend all flights starting tomorrow, but Beta was unable to obtain an official confirmation of that information.
