MONSTER TRIES AGAIN TO MISS THE TRIAL Malcán Barber makes TWO PROPOSALS before experts, court rejects both


In today’s continuation of the trial of Ninoslav Jovanovic (46), better known as the Malqués barber, experts were examined who examined the injuries of a twelve-year-old girl who was kidnapped and abused, and the court again rejected the proposal of the accused of perform your neuropsychiatric exam again.

In today’s main trial, experts from the Nis Institute of Forensic Medicine, who were members of the commission that examined the type, nature and severity of bodily injuries and the mechanism of their occurrence in a minor victim, were examined directly. The defendant repeated the proposal to carry out a new neuropsychiatric expert opinion, but the court rejected it and suggested that the KC Nis doctors be questioned as witnesses, who manifested one of the injuries in the girl that was the object of the expert opinion, and the court rejected that proposal.

The court adopted the proposal of the injured party’s attorney to conduct his psychiatric expertise.

Goran Ilić, director of the Institute of Forensic Medicine, and his colleague Aleksandra Antović presented their findings and opinion, who conducted a forensic medical examination of the minor, as well as her assailant. They gave an expert opinion on the injuries suffered by the girl, as well as the fingerprints of Jovanović that confirm that he is the author of the criminal act that is accused of him.

VIDEO: one of the houses where the monster hid the kidnapped child

During the course of court proceedings thus far, Ninoslav did not miss an opportunity to dispute the accusations against him. This is especially because he previously tried to minimize his responsibility, and although he admitted the crime, he denied the degree of injury he inflicted on the minor.

The proceedings against the barber Malčanski began on May 29, when he requested the dismissal of the Deputy Superior Prosecutor and denounced that he did not know the content of the psychiatric expert opinion, for which the preparatory hearing was postponed.

Malčanski berberin Photo: RAS Serbia

Malčanski berberin

During his reappearance in court, Jovanović questioned the neuropsychiatric experience, that is, he claimed that he committed the crime in an insane state. Therefore, in the continuation of the trial, neuropsychiatrists were directly examined, as well as a psychologist who dealt with the personality structure of the accused.

In the subsequent course of the procedure, the testimony was given by the doctors of the Nis Clinical Center, who took care of the girl’s health after she was rescued from the hands of the kidnappers. At the last main trial, the minor testified and described in detail the Golgotha ​​she passed through during the nine days she spent in Jovanović’s captivity.

Although the main hearings are scheduled a couple of weeks apart, the trial is entering its fifth month as the court does not want to make any omissions that would allow Jovanovic to challenge the court’s decision in the legal recourse procedure.

Due to the cruelty of the crime and the fact that he spent 22 years behind bars for similar crimes, the Malča barber could be the first in Serbia to be sentenced to life in prison.

The next main trial is scheduled for November 18.
