Monster mother who abused the baby, shocked in court! Get out of your husband



08.10.2020. 18:27 – 08.10.2020. 18:51

The police immediately discovered that it was Silvija S. (21) from Belgrade, who, in addition to the abused baby, has two older children aged two and four.

baby abuse

baby abuse, Photo: Printscreen Instagram

Mother Silvija S. (21) was arrested and her three children were placed in foster families. Passersby calmly filmed the monster, rather than rescuing the baby and calling the police.

A creepy photo of a mother torturing her seven-month-old baby in He shocked the whole of Serbia on Zoran Djindjic Boulevard in Belgrade by hitting her, shaking her hand and twisting her like a rag doll.

The police immediately discovered that it was Silvija S. (21) from Belgrade, who, in addition to the abused baby, has two older children aged two and four. Sylvia was arrested yesterday and three children, including the abused baby, were placed in a foster family.

The horrifying video was determined to have been made three days ago.

At the hearing before the inspectors, the monster mother justified the slapping and throwing of the girl by saying that she was nervous because both the baby and the other two children were upset because they had to go begging with her.

And a husband in custody

– She said that her husband forced her to beg, that he often beat her and the children, so they arrested him. In the conversation with Sylvia, we learned that she takes the children begging every day, and that on the day in question she was especially nervous because she did not raise enough money, as much as her “husband planned”. As her husband beats and abuses her in such a situation, she wanted to continue begging, but the children did not listen to her – says our source of the investigation.

During the questioning of the mother, says our source, numerous injuries were noted in the children, which was presented to the City’s Social Work Center, which made the decision to transfer the children to a foster family. Sylvia and her husband were detained for up to 48 hours. To her for the existence of a well-founded suspicion that he committed the crime of “neglect and abuse of a minor”, and to him for “forcing another person to beg.”

Belgrade Social Protection Secretary Natasa Stanisavljevic says she was shocked by the video that appeared in the media.

– As soon as we saw the video, professional workers from the locally competent department of the City Center for Social Work went out into the field to take the measures within their competence in order to establish safety for the child. In the indicated address and surroundings, the professionals found neither the mother nor the girl, who, as can be seen in the video, is abusing her. So we asked the police for help, who managed to find and arrest the woman. The workers of the competent center, on the other hand, initiated an urgent and urgent intervention procedure with the aim of establishing the safety of both the abused babies and the two remaining children who came to the place of this inadmissible violence – he says.


The abuse of a seven-month-old baby occurred in the middle of the day in front of many witnesses. It is scandalous that none of the eyewitnesses, not even the author of the video, came forward to help the baby, not to call the mother’s attention not to do so, or to call the police. Instead, a gruesome video of the faster and better baby torture was posted online.
