Monsignor Grigorije: I have a plan to bring together as many young people as possible


There is no man who can be a savior, it is necessary to create a system so that we do not look for a savior every time, said Bishop Grigorije of Düsseldorf and Germany, adding that he has a plan to gather as many young people who are willing to sacrifice for Serbia. in order to create a system in which nothing will depend on a single person, reports the portal.

“The system can be created by young people who I trust and talk to, and that is my plan. My plan is to bring together as many young people as possible who are educated, honest, smart, brave and who want to come to Serbia if still they are not there, and if they have to sacrifice themselves, to create a legal system. I don’t want anything to depend on just one person, “Bishop Grigorije said in Newsmax Adria’s” Magazine of the Day, “writes

To the statement that a lot of people think he would be a savior, he replied that he knows “that this is an interesting question for people,” but that there is no man who can be a savior.

“It is necessary to create a system so that we do not look for a savior every time,” Bishop Grigorije said.

“If I can do something for my people and people wait for it, I want to gather 30, if possible 300 people, between 30 and 60, who are willing to sacrifice for Serbia,” he said. as he says, a wonderful example these days among some young ministers who have returned to Montenegro from Japan, America, Europe and are simply sacrificing for their homeland.

When asked if that means we should expect his active participation in Serbian politics and where he will find those 30 young people, Bishop Grigorije said he has already found them, but will not present his plan because it would be frivolous.

Commenting in the tabloids that the opposition offered him to be president or patriarch and whatever he decided, he said that “neither the president nor the patriarch will be elected by the tabloids, but by the serious Serbian people.

Speaking about the election of a new patriarch and if it is true that the state has a crucial role in his election, Bishop Grigorije says that it is incorrect, because the state does not elect a patriarch, he is elected by bishops “who come from their dioceses. and they must bring the voice of their people and feel exactly what the people want. “

When asked if the state was now, as before, trying to influence which of the bishops would be the new patriarch, he said that it was quite obvious that the state would not look with crossed arms who would be in charge of one of the most important institutions. influencers of our nation.

“I do not think it is so terrible that the State has its will and its wishes, but I am convinced that it will be only an influence that will have effects and counter effects, depending on when it tries to influence,” he said.

On the conclusion that the media are already calculating and mentioning several bishops and that, in their opinion, he is a man from the ranks of the Church who could agree with the State on the one hand, and agree with the bishops for another, and who would be closer to the Church. throne, he said he would be “the man he thinks is the best.”

“It must be the man who preserves the unity of the church, and the patriarch is a symbol of that unity, and in that sense I think all bishops will think,” said the bishop.

“It is important that we do not bid by name,” Bishop Grigorije noted.
