Money raised for Anika Manić’s treatment in Budapest


Money has been raised for the treatment of Anika Manić (2)!

That wonderful information was posted on the Facebook page “For the long and beautiful life of Anika”.

“Dear Anika helpers, that day has come,” he says at the beginning of the post, and then adds:

“After almost three months of raising funds for the most expensive therapy in the world, we are ready to announce the end of the fundraiser for Anika’s treatment. The joy is great and the gratitude is eternal!”

This action brought everyone in Serbia together and encouraged the best in people.

“We all fight for the same goal, pure hearts, we helped as much as we could and did our best.”

Those closest to Anika thank the State of Serbia for the organized transport of Anika to the hospital in Budapest, which was recently announced by President Aleksandar Vučić.

“Thank you to the citizens of Serbia for every moment, attention, spoken word and dinar for our Anika. Thank you to Anika’s helpers from the region and from around the world who recognized Anika’s struggle and showed that support knows no borders. We have shown, all together, that the lives of children do not exist at a price and that together we can create miracles because we believe in them ”.

Anika suffers from spinal muscular atrophy and needs the drug “Zolgensma”, which costs 2.1 million dollars.


delivery courier

Author: delivery courier
