15.09.2020. 09:02 – 15.09.2020. 09:15

Mladen Mijatović, Photo: Printscreen
The black series related to traffic accidents in our country has continued.
– In Belgrade, more precisely in Zemun, a Milan B. (60) pedestrian died. A pedestrian was hit by a car with 10 last night at the intersection of the road to Novi Sad and Solunska street in Zemun. The pedestrian suffered serious injuries. After midnight, doctors, even after resuscitation was provided, could only declare death.
Do you respect the traffic rules?
Unfortunately, another traffic accident with fatal consequences.
– A man (70) and a woman (54) died in the village of Voluja near Kučevo. The bodies were taken from the vehicle destroyed by members of the sector for emergency situations and the ambulance determined the death. An investigation is underway that will determine the details of the accident, Mladen Mijatović said on the morning show.
We remind you once again. On Friday, Saturday and Sunday, up to 13 people died in traffic accidents on Serbian roads.
– An appeal and petition, let us respect all traffic regulations, let us be responsible, not for the fines threatened, but for human lives.