Misdemeanor charges for failure to comply with the measures


Health inspectors conducted 1,300 company inspections last week and wrote 90 minor offenses for non-compliance with sanitary measures to combat the pandemic, said Deputy Minister of Health for Inspection Affairs Goran Stamenkovic.

He stated for Serbian Radio-Television that most of the fines were applied to businessmen and businessmen who do not respect the Decree on the Prevention of Kovid-19, such as irresponsible catering facilities, shopping malls and other retail facilities.

“In the last 7 days, citizens have been calling more frequently (to report non-compliance with measures), three times more than usual, and there is discontent for legal entities that do not comply with the measures … All (companies) will be sanctioned to the maximum and each legal person will be fined 500,000 dinars, “Stamenković said.

Likewise, he affirmed that the number of inspectors cannot affect compliance with the measures, that 30 new inspectors are currently being hired and that a new competition will be announced shortly, so the number of sanitary inspectors reaches 200.

Read more news about Kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world in the page Coronavirus.
