Mirsad Đerlek – The 70-year-old man will be the first to receive the corona vaccine at home.


Nursing home users over 70 will be the first to receive the “Pfizer-Biontek” vaccine, the first amounts of 4,875 doses of which arrived in Serbia today, reports RTS.

This is foreseen by the plan adopted by the National Coordination Team for Immunization against Kovid-19.

“People over 75 years of age are the most vulnerable category of the population, they will be the first to receive the vaccine, as is the case in most European countries,” the Secretary of State of the Ministry of Health told Tanjug, Mirsad Djerlek, director of the National Immunization Coordination Team.

In the second tranche, which is expected in January, health workers will be vaccinated in the covid system, and then other medical personnel, RTS reported.

Predrag Kon, a member of the crisis staff at TV Prva, previously presented somewhat different information about the vaccination plan, saying that “according to the plan that has been drawn up, the most vulnerable are clearly defined: they are health workers, then all employees in nursing homes and then themselves. Nursing home users. “

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
