Ministers out! Immediately stopped (KURIR TV)


An unidentified person broke the protective fence in front of the main entrance of the House of the National Assembly with a car.

According to eyewitnesses, after crossing the fence, the person got out of the vehicle, screamed and then ran.

He was arrested across the street from Assembly.

The police officers on duty, who are securing the Assembly, checked the vehicle for explosives.

photo: Courier

“Members of the Ministry of the Interior arrested PB (1979), who broke the protective fence in front of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia with a Toyota Rav 4 car at around 2:25 pm today. After the incident, the suspect left the car and began to flee towards Pionirski park. in hand with shouts of ‘ministers out’, “the Interior Ministry said in a statement, adding:

“Members of the Interior Ministry immediately caught up with the suspect and arrested him. The suspect was detained for up to 48 hours and will be taken to the competent prosecutor’s office.”


delivery courier

Author: delivery courier
