Minister Šarčević on the crown in the classrooms, there will be no complete closure of schools


108 INFECTED STUDENTS FROM SEPTEMBER 1: Minister Šarčević in the crown in the classrooms, there will be no complete closure of schools

Illustration, Photo: Printscreen TV Pink

BELGRADE – Education Minister Mladen Šarčević said today that since the beginning of the school year, an average of 1.6 students have been infected with the corona virus per day, which, according to him, is an indicator that the system he is very disciplined.

Speaking to B92 television, the minister said that since September 1, 108 students have been infected with the virus, of which about 60 percent are primary school students because they spend more time in school, and 36 employees.

Illustrationphoto: Shutterstock

“Some have recovered in the meantime and in October that number was reduced to 51 students and seven employees. We have good statistics for now when we consider that the system has about 108,000 employees and about 850,000 students,” Sarcevic said.

When specifying that the educational inspection conducts around 800 exams a week, the minister said that in the first week of classes, three school directors were relieved of their duties for failure to comply with epidemiological measures, and that nine warnings were issued in the second week.

“Kindergartens and student dormitories are very safe as regards the crown, and in student dormitories we have two infected in Belgrade for about 8,000 students,” Sarcevic said.

When asked about the allegations that the full return of online classes should occur on November 15, the minister said there was speculation that it would happen on October 1, adding that no one had exact data on when it could happen.

“Even if there are closures, it will be selective. If we have a problem in Cukarica or Rakovica, we will not close the entire city,” Sarcevic said.

Illustrationphoto: Courier

Commenting on the demands of some students for a linear reduction in tuition by 30 percent, the minister said that it was an “attempt to hunt in the dark” by a smaller group of students, that is, that the issue it was somewhat politicized because elections were being prepared for the student parliament.

Asked about the events that occurred at the Belgrade Faculty of Philology, whose teachers and students protested against the suspension of the election process for a new dean, the minister said that the higher education institution had adopted a statute, which he said was a point turning point in the future.

“You cannot elect a dean without a statute, so we ask that things be fixed. The Faculty of Philology can now legally start the procedure to elect a dean,” added Sarcevic.


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Author: delivery courier
